Warhammer 40K: Imperial Knights Draw Upon The Power Of Their Chivalric Code

The Imperial Knights have the firepower and the will to win — as long as they stick to the Code Chivalric!
It’s time for the Knights to shine once again as they mount-up and stride into battle. The Imperial Knights aren’t going to have any Dark Gods to pledge to for aid. But they don’t need ’em! They’ve got their own code to follow and they get their own set of benefits.
“The only way to fight such beasts is through steel and honour. To that end, the new Codex: Imperial Knights helps these valiant pilots draw upon the Code Chivalric, a stringent set of martial codes they follow during battle.”
The Code Chivalric
How this system works should be relatively familiar. First, you’re entire army has to have the Imperial Knights keyword and the units must all be from the same Knight Household. Then, when constructing your army list, you get access to 4 different Oaths of which you must choose 2 to uphold. Each of these Oaths comes in 4 parts: A Pledge, a Troth, and two Chivalric Abilities.
When you complete a Pledge, you earn Honour Points. You’ll start with 1 point and as you work your way up to 5 or 6 you’ll get some new abilities to use.
Notice the chart also has a “Dishonoured” state. That happens if you commit a Troth. If that happens you’ll lose your Chivalric Abilities entirely.
So what sort of Oaths are we looking at here? Here’s the Oath of “Refuse No Challenge” as an example:
This one’s pretty straightforward. Get into close combat and use those melee attacks to destroy enemy units. However, if you fall back during a battle round lose an Honour Point. So what are some of the benefits of this Honourable combat? Here’s a look at few Honoured Abilities:
This is all starting to fit and make sense. These abilities should feed into the Oath and as long as you’re keeping your Oaths, you should be even better at them. Knights aren’t all about the offense, however. They also have another Oath that’s a bit more suited to a defender:
Take and hold those objectives! And what do you get for staking your claim and holding it? The combo of Duty, Wisdom, and Honour of course!
Game-wise that translates into an extra CP. And if you hold those objectives long enough you also get Objective Secured — which should make it easier for your units to hold those objectives in the late game.
“The two remaining Oaths, Protect Those in Need and Lay Low the Tyrants, offer your Noble pilots even more codes and rules to which to adhere – and their own tasty bonuses for living up to the Code Chivalric. and come with their own tasty bonuses. “
Color us curious! But we’ll have to wait to find out what those are. For now, prepare for the Knights marching to war! Their new Codex is coming soon…
Stomp! Stomp!