‘KeyForge’ Returns Thanks to FFG Ex-CEO’s New Studio

Ghost Galaxy, founded by the man behind Fantasy Flight Games, ex-CEO Christian T. Petersen is “thrilled” to continue the KeyForge game with this new company.
You may remember KeyForge. It was a card game designed by Richard Garfield, the creator of Magic: The Gathering, back in 2018. The premise was that each deck purchased contained a wholly unique set of cards designed by a custom software. Unfortunately, a “system failure” in 2021 caused a delay in production. After that, the game’s production went on hiatus. But, now we some some good news!
Ghost Galaxy, a new gaming company, has acquired KeyForge from Asmodee. Ghost Galaxy is a company owned by Strange Stars, LLC. Strange Stars principal investor and managing partner is Christian T. Petersen, who founded Fantasy Flight Games in 1995. According to the press release, several of the principals being the original KeyForge have been brought on for this new team.
Press Release follows:
Ghost Galaxy, Inc. Acquires KeyForge from Asmodee
ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA – June 10th, 2022 Ghost Galaxy, Inc. today announced that it has acquired the KeyForge IP and card game rights from Asmodee.
The KeyForge card game, designed by Richard Garfield, creator of Magic: The Gathering, was released by Fantasy Flight Games in the Fall of 2018, and quickly became a global hit.
KeyForge broke innovative ground by being the first game product in which each individual deck sold was a completely unique composition of cards, each procedurally generated by custom software and produced via digital printing.
Unfortunately, unforeseen production hurdles in 2021 involving the custom deck generation software led to a long-lasting halt of production after the release of the “Dark Tidings” expansion in the Spring of 2021.
Ghost Galaxy is a new game company owned by Strange Stars, LLC. The principal investor and managing partner of Strange Stars is Christian T. Petersen, who founded Fantasy Flight Games in 1995. With Ghost Galaxy, Petersen has gathered an experienced team containing several of the principals behind the original release of KeyForge.
“Ghost Galaxy loves KeyForge!” said Petersen. “Given that we have already been working on a next- generation software engine for creating procedurally generated card games, KeyForge is a perfect fit”. The company intends to have news for KeyForge fans within a few weeks regarding its future plans for the game.
“We’re thrilled to place KeyForge into the caring hands of Ghost Galaxy,” said Chris Gerber, Head of Studio at Fantasy Flight Games.” This is a game that requires substantial dedication to the underlying technology, which is in their DNA. There is a wonderful community of KeyForge players that are in very good hands.”
About Ghost Galaxy, Inc.
Ghost Galaxy is a newly-formed games publishing company specializing in products for the tabletop gaming hobby that use technology to foster new tabletop gaming experiences. Ghost Galaxy is a wholly-owned entity of Minnesota-based Strange Stars, LLC. For inquires, please email [email protected].