Four Death-Star Sized Plot Holes in ‘Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi’

Kenobi, like all Star Wars, had a few plot holes.
Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi was a decent show, but it has some plot holes. It showed off the Force in some cool ways and gave Obi-Wan ‘Hello There‘ Kenobi more backstory. It also stole some things form other shows. Like most shows, it has some issues, however. Plot holes don’t by themselves make a show bad. That doesn’t mean we just ignore them, either. Let’s take a look at a few for Kenobi.

4. No One Makes Sure Anyone is Dead
This show has several notable instances of people not checking that their enemies are dead for seemingly no reason. For instance, Reva stabs and kills the Grand Inquisitor in the second episode. Then, in Episode 5, it’s revealed that, nope, he’s totally fine and alive. Did she not check to make sure he was dead? That’s a bit of a plot hole.
Of course, the favor is returned when Vader stabs Reva and then just leaves her to die. But again, she turns out to be fine. Why? Later in the Darth Vader/Obi-Wan Kenobi fight, Vader buries Obi-Wan in rocks and then just walks away without checking if Kenobi is dead. Spoilers, he’s not, and he goes on to kick Vader’s butt. He then leaves Vader alive… for no reason. At this point, Vader has made it very clear that Anakin is dead and gone. Vader is a mass murderer, and Obi-Wan, once again, leaves him broken and hurt but alive.
3. The Kids Don’t Remember Anything
This one doesn’t affect Kenobi’s plot itself but is something of a plot hole for the greater story. Namely, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa don’t seem to recall the events of the show at all later. For Luke, at least, there is a bit of an explanation. He was told Sand People were attacking and didn’t get a ton of clear shots at Reva. He also hit his head, and maybe that affected him. Still the idea that he never got any clear view of Reva as he is running form her, and saw she wasn’t a Sand Person is kind of silly.
He also seems to forget who gave him his favorite toy.
Leia is an even worse case. In A New Hope, she definitely acts like she’s never met Obi-Wan before. And Ben acts the same way. She talks about how Kenobi and her father have a history, but not her and Ben. Now again, they kind of seemly tired to cover this by having Obi-Wan tell her that no one could know about their adventure at the end of the show. But that’s a pretty thin line.
She was already contacting the Jedi in A New Hope. Even if she downplayed it then, why did she never tell Luke about it later? On the other hand, it does help explain why she named her son Ben. These might not be the biggest plot holes in Obi-Wan Kenobi, but it’s still odd.
2. The Space Ship Plot Hole
I actually wrote an entire article about this plot hole. There are five times in the show that the good guys get away from the Empire because the Empire seemingly doesn’t have any TIE fighters to send after them. Again and again, the Jedi/Pro-Rebels escape for seemingly no reason. Yes, I know that one time Reva put a tracker on them, but she didn’t tell anyone she had. She didn’t give any orders not to chase them, they just didn’t. It really doesn’t make sense to happen so often.
1. How Did Reva Get to Tatooine
The last episode contained another kind of big plot hole. At the end of the fifth episode, Reva is on Jabiim, having been stabbed by Vader and left for dead. She sees part of a message Bail Organa sent to Ben saying, “If he’s learned of the children… protect the boy.” Reva somehow makes the enormous logical leap that this means that Owen is protecting Vader’s secret son. Which, yeah, is correct, but also kind of an amazing jump. These could be any hidden Jedi children. I dunno; maybe the force told her. She then somehow gets a ship and gets to Tatooine in a very short period of time.
How does she get a ship anyway? The Path folk had issues getting ships and only had the two. Did Vader leave her an intact ship? If so, why? How did she do all this with a lightsaber hole in her body and in record time? It doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Let us know what plot holes you found down in the comments!