Frostgrave: Fireheart – New Expansion Adds Awesome New Options

The world of Frostgrave is expanding – Fireheart adds constructs, female barbarians, and more. Come take a look at what’s coming up!
Frostgrave is one of those games that I just love! Ever since I first played it back in first edition, I couldn’t get enough. I really enjoy that North Star Military Figures and Osprey Games keep releasing new products for this system. Right now, North Star Military Figures is taking pre-orders for their newest set of expansions called Frostgrave: Fireheart. If you like constructs or Enchanters, be sure to check this book out!

The cover of this exciting new Frostgrave Expansion – Fireheart.
A Little About the Fireheart Contents and Miniatures
The book starts by telling you all about Constructs and how you can now upgrade them. The upgrades are new rules and really cool in my opinion. There are also new constructs that you can manufacture if you have the proper treasure item. This includes an animated dog made out of blades!!! Check out this image below.

The dog above is a regular construct hound. In the book’s artwork, it looks to be made out of scrolls. Below that is a blade-dog! Those are axe blades beside its mouth. No one will want this thing running towards them!
There are also some new small constructs and familiar constructs too. These minis look fun.

Some small constructs. So much fun!
On top of new construct minis, North Star Military Figures is increasing the numbers of female miniatures in their Frostgrave lines. In their pre-order sale, they are offering a female version of the Enchanter and a box of hard-plastic female Barbarians. You may recognize one of the two new Enchanters below as the Wizard on the cover of Fireheart.

A new female Enchanter Wizard and Apprentice for use in Frostgrave. The one on the right is from the cover art of the book.
Most Frostgrave expansions offer new types of Wizards that you can grow your character into. Fireheart does not. Instead, it offers you a new way to replace missing limbs. You can now create enchanted prosthetic limbs that even give your wizard bonuses. If you take this option, a broken leg, crushed arm, or missing finger or toe will no longer be limiting to your leader. Instead, it could even be an advantage if they replace their limb with something a little better than what they had as flesh and bone.

Now you can replace limbs and even enchant them to give you new bonuses.
New Female Barbarian Miniatures!!!
On top of the new Enchanters shown above, North Star is now releasing a female version of their Frostgrave Barbarians. Absolutely awesome!!!

The box art of the female Barbarians. For more on these figures, check out my personal site.
There are Deals to be Had!!!
For me, checking out the new Frostgrave Fireheart offerings is a lot of fun. If you are after a deal though, there are deals to be had on this expansion and the related miniatures. You can find these deals on the Frostgrave: Fireheart Section of the North Star Military Figures website.
If you are in America, you can also get these deals from Brigade Games while they take in pre-orders for this exciting new release.
I believe these deals end on September 8th, so act fast if you want in. Below is what you get if you buy at the biggest pre-order level.

A picture of all the new products from this expansion if you buy the Fireheart Collectors Deal.
Wrapping it up…
Fireheart adds new and exciting content to Frostgrave. In it, the rules are expanded for creating and improving constructs right at the start of the book. On top of that, there are new solider types, new constructs and new adventures. Of course, there are new magic items too.
I got my hands on the book a little early through Osprey Games so I have a good idea of what is in there. I have to say that if you want to improve your options for an Enchanter Warband, or want to play through a new series of adventures, you will want to consider this book. You can get easily get the book from Osprey Games, your favorite retail store, or through either North Star Military Figures or Brigade Games.
If you liked this post, be sure to check out my Frostgrave Content on Must Contain Minis. Here is that story I mentioned earlier about the new Female Barbarian Miniatures for Frostgrave.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!Read more about great Indie and Historical games on my site!
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