‘Monty Python’s Co-Curricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme: Not an RPG’ Is Live on Kickstarter Now

Call it tableside reenactment, call it a farce. Just don’t call Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Renactment Programme an RPG.
Time continues its constant, unerring march forward. And that means it’s time to look backward. Back to the medieval ages, when most fantasy happens. At least that’s what Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme wants you to do. And with the Monty Python RPG on Kickstarter right now, there’s a lot to look forward to with regards to looking back.
Again, it’s worth pointing out that despite the fact that the book is full of rules for running a Monty Python RPG, and has character classes and rules for playing roles in Monty Python-type situations, Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment is NOT an RPG. Though it is on Kickstarter.
Monty Python’s RPG Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme – Kickstarting Now
Monty Python’s new RPG reenactment programme takes aim at the full catalog of Monty Python sketches, characters, and moments. It is full of guidelines for delving into the absurd with that Pythonesque enthusiasm:
Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme is a rigorous course of study intended only for serious students of English History. It is by no means a complete and comprehensive manual for running imaginative, highly unpredictable, Mediaeval-themed role-playing games based upon the complete comedic output of Monty Python with one’s friends.
Though the Programme is set in Mediaeval England, it draws upon Monty Python’s entire catalogue to render up an interactive world full of their unique characters, creations, and sensibilities. All of this may be brought to bear for long-term campaigning or just a single evening of educational advancement. Participants need not be familiar with Monty Python’s work in order to participate, nor is role-playing game experience required. (The latter would be entirely useless, as this is emphatically not a role-playing game, and if you do have extensive experience with such things, you are likely too silly a person to participate in this Programme and should stop reading immediately.)
You can check out the Kickstarter for a more in-depth look at the game, including a preview of game rules and how the Head of Light Entertainment will rule over the Participants like an unforgiving god with a hefty D30 by the end of it. But for now, what you’ll want to know is if you can grab some sweet Kickstarter exclusives. Back within the first 48 hours and you’ll get an official “Head of Light Entertainment” sash.
You can also get a series of “educational supplements” which might look a lot like RPG accessories. These include a backgammon board for minigames, 2 fully functional catapults, as well as a custom dice set including “nonstandard dice” which include:
The mighty 20-sided, the unheard of 18-sided, the rare and elusive 16-sided, the slightly more heard of 14-sided, the droll 12-sided, the mercurial 10-sided, the dashing 8-sided, the pedestrian 6-sided, and the sole-destroying 4-sided…plus the big bonker, the 30-sided, used exclusively for Special Serious Abilities.
The trickiest needle to thread here will be finding the toolbox that people can use to create stories that feel like Python. After all, they broke the mold with their absurdity. One-off jokes spin out into nested scenes. Meta commentary becomes another vehicle for punchlines.
Check out what is definitely NOT the Monty Python RPG on Kickstarter