Horus Hersey: Thousand Sons Get the Upgrade Treatment With New Kits

Magnus’ Sons in red are getting their heads and shoulders upgraded with new kits from Forge World.
The Thousand Sons did nothing wrong… so it’s only fitting that they get their turn in the upgrade dome. They’ve got a new pair of MKVI upgrade packs coming — one for heads and one for their shoulder pads. Let’s take a quick look at what’s coming down the pipe.
“Magnus the Red wept. Tears fell from his single eye, in the knowledge that his great rivals, the sons of Leman Russ, had received spectacular Mark VI head and shoulder pad upgrades before his own beloved Thousand Sons. Cheer up, Magnus, we’ve got your new kits right here.”
Thousand Sons MKVI Head Upgrades
Once again we get a total of 11 heads in this upgrade pack. 9 of them are alternate “beakie” helmets while the 10th has a “beakie” look with a crest. There’s also the classic “I don’t mind getting shot in the face” non-helmeted version for those who prefer al fresco spellcasting.
Thousand Sons MKVI Shoulder Pad Upgrades
And finally that brings us to the shoulder pads for the MKVI kits. These resin pads have the Thousand Sons sigil on them and do add an air of class to your Marines. Perfect for designating squad sergeants or just decking out entire squads. You can’t really go wrong with getting shoulder pad upgrades for any legion.
Both of these resin sets are coming soon so keep an eye out for your next batch from Forge World!
Magnus himself would be proud of these upgrades!