Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Bladeguard Veterans
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The Bladeguard Veterans’ journey from Snapfit Gods to what’s the point has beens pretty quick. What can we do to make them exciting again?
I know I did a Marine option before but there are a ton of Marine Datasheets – and a lot of them are just meh. I remember when the Bladeguard Veterans first came out and thought – man it is a cool looking kit! These guys with sweet shields, giant swords, and an attitude about them. They looked cool and were cool initially. Sadly as the times continued forward these awesome machines of death got very long in the tooth. Now when you see some on the battlefield you have to question – did this professional 40k player lose a bet?
Make Bladeguard Veterans Deadly
Ok hear me out they need some way to do damage and mortal wounds when they come charging in. Something about how their blades cut he souls of their enemy with the fire of the Emperor. Or just give them some kind of rule that lets them do more damage – like doubles when rolling a 6 to wound. This way they can truly be a scary force of doom as they run across the battlefield.
Give Them Unique Veteran Traits
What if we had a bunch of cool Veteran traits you could give these guys? Just like the Kasrkins and other armies options – these guys could have a custom trait due to their veteran status and training. Things like auto advance 6’s, exploding 6’s to hit, and other fun stuff to make them unique and more killtacular!
Up Their Damage
Give them damage 3 weapons because while it would make them pretty dang good it probably won’t break the bank. Let those Relic swords be actual relics and come in hot and deadly. They should be powerful and a pain in the butt to handle when they get mixed into your lines.
Let the Shield Be Cool
An invulnerable save is cool but why not do some cool things with the shield? If the unit is all touching each other they get a bonus to their toughness. Or how about just something even more in interesting like a 4+ invulnerable save with a 5+ to mortal wounds due to how awesome and holy the shield is? The blessing of the Emperor or some kind of relic option as these guys are decked out Knights of the Imperium!
Just Make Bladeguard Veterans Worth It!
A 6 man unit of assault marines doesn’t need to be expensive. While they could do a lot of damage they shouldn’t break the tabletop. There are a ton of Marine options that just need to be pushed in a direction that is powerful and good. Marines need to be a decent army as they look cool on the table top and have a ton of neat options. These guys could be poster boys for the army and they just need to be better.
Let us know how you would fix the unit, down in the comments!