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Fight For Love and Beauty With This Sailor Venus Cosplay

3 Minute Read
Feb 13 2023

Leader of the Sailor Senshi and the former Sailor V, C0c0Cosplay’s Sailor Venus is fighting for, beauty, and sparkles.

For many of us, Sailor Moon was the anime that really got us into the genre. For me Pokemon quickly paved the way to have an entire middle school girl gang of friends who had each claimed their own Sailor Senshi and it was all down hill from there. And for moonies, seeing a really nice Senshi cosplay will always warm a special little place in our hearts.

Sailor Venus is one of the core scouts who is easily recognizable with her big red hair bow, blue and orange color scheme, and her blonde hair that’s only out-longed by Sailor Moon herself. And C0c0cosplay captures the spirit of Sailor Venus perfectly.

There are two big things I love about C0c0cosplay’s take on Sailor Venus. Venus is such a happy and upbeat character. She’s always supportive and caring and almost always all smiles, and you can feel how joyful these cosplay photos are. This really is a cosplay that encapsulates Venus’ personality. But it’s also a really fun, sparkly costume. Because let’s be honest, a Sailor Senshi should sparkle whenever possible.

Sailor Venus, with permission by C0c0cosplay

“The pretty guardian in a sailor suit. Guardian of love and beauty, Sailor Venus!”

“Our duty is to fight for that cause! You understand, don’t you? We have to work together and fight so we don’t repeat the tragedy of the past again!”

Photo by april.anda.flower.

“Believe in yourself and nothing can stop you!”


~Join us next week for more Anime Cosplay Coverage~

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