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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – GSC Locus

3 Minute Read
Mar 21 2023

What the heck is the Genestealer Cults Locus for?  Are they a bodyguard?  Are they an Assassin?  What are they supposed to be?

I know some of the weird Elite Characters fit an interesting mold for GSC but what’s the purpose for the Locus? It is just a weird kit.  You currently can’t buy it on the GW website, and when I looked up the rules, it just kinda made for a weird fit.  I don’t know why all the GSC characters need bodyguards as the entire cult kind of guards them by their very nature.  This has me thinking – why not just change this model from a weird Body Guard and instead make it an actual assassin.

First Throw out all the Bodyguard Bits

I loved how the old Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves had hidden assassins that would pop out of units, and I think we can easily change this for the Locus.  You get a unit of them, they get to hide in Acolytes, and you can pop them out whenever you want to.  They show up in a mass of robed bodies, throw out some cool ninja stars, and wreck the enemy in a blaze of glory.

Let GSC Locus Have Cool Weird Assassin Upgrades

Now we can set them up to be specific assassins.  Maybe let them decide before the game what kind of weapons they are taking based on who they are facing.  Things like taking stronger weapons to break through heavily armored enemies.  Or if they have massed amount of units with bad armor, they get some kind of weapon that just increases attacks.  Or how about a crazy option to explode after completing the stabby job.  The idea of being able to tweak what you have before the game is such an interesting little option that could be really cool.

Give Them Other Agendas For the Cult

How about GSC Locus have some different objectives/missions to try and complete?  Maybe these give you Victory Points and help you win the game if they complete a mission.  Or how about they give you Command Points as well?  Having other options to create points and missions in a game could be a really cool way to make the unit and the army unique.


Just make the GSC Locus Cool

The whole idea of the GSC is the secret cult living within the confines of the hive world.  Making these guys important factors in the Hiveworld that isn’t some kind of weird planner, or just explosion expert can make taking the GSC Locus worthwhile.  I always like the idea of hidden assassins and this guy just looks like a creepy dude hidden in the shadows waiting to plunge his Xeno knife into your neck. Let him.

~Join the cult… we have sweet members-only jackets and a comprehensive health plan…

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