Warhammer 40K Meta Hotness – 10th Edition Double Battle Cannons!

Goatboy here looking into my 40K 10th Edition crystal ball. Thousand Sons mixed with Knight allies could mean double Battle Cannon awesomeness!
Oh boy, it’s another new week before we get a deluge of 10th Edition in the coming days. We all wait with bated breath for the new rules, new interactions, and new things to complain about. Today I want to look into the 10th future, and talk about a maybe. The interactions of the new Thousand Sons Cabalistic Rituals mixed with the idea of Allies might make a scary – double Battle Cannon Chaos Knight combo!
I want you to think about how you could ally in some friends, cast Twist of Fate to remove some armor saves, and profit as a Rapid Fire set of Battle Cannon nonsense just pours a whole cup of whup-ass onto that unit. Just piles and piles of dice as they wreck into the enemy.
Of course this is relevant if adding in a Chaos Knight or Chaos Daemon would still allow your faction rules to interact. The way the current Thousand Sons rules are written it seems to say – point at a unit – and they don’t get Armor saves. There is nothing specifically saying only a Thousand Sons unit can shoot – with armor saves turned off.
Hello Chaos Double Battle Cannon Knights
Of course, without that interaction, it isn’t nearly as murderous, but there is a ton of armies that could utilize 4d6+12+Blast bonus shots, all coming at you from across the field. Really the idea of how Chaos interacts with all their friends will help determine how to set up your armies. I know a lot of the time, Chaos loves to be in assault, but without some friends to help pop those pesky boxes, it gets a lot harder for Chaos to work right.
Speaking about other options too – the double Gatling Cannon seems pretty bonkers too – especially if you can somehow activate Sustained hits or other “keyword” explosions of damage. Really it is dependent on how expensive this chassis is as it went from being the best option in Chaos Knights to something that just didn’t work. It’s point costs crushed it and left all those “options” on the table top as War Dogs ran the roost.
Can It Be Done?
Of courses this all depends on if we are in a vehicle heavy meta as the game starts – or we end up going towards more balance as each unit is needed to help win the game. The question always is if you need more “relevant” damage to boxes or more bullets to clear out the hordes.
I get the feeling 10th Edition will cycle from going to a vehicle-heavy option to horde board control and then finally something in between. Thankfully it appears Flyers might not be an issue coming up but will see. Flyers and Super Heavies are always the oddball extra units that have caused the most balance issues in previous editions. So we’ll see how it goes.
What do you think? Are we going to see Allies helping out armies in ways to clear up holes in their choices? Are we going to see a few “sideboard” options to just ensure you have an answer if you see something rough across the tabletop? Is it worth it to think of Sideboards again for games?
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