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Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Get Their Own ‘Sprites’ With Gargoylians

3 Minute Read
Aug 7 2023

Have you been wondering what those strange creatures were on the new Cities of Sigmar unit bases? Meet the Gargoylians.

Some eagle-eyed readers might have noticed the seemingly random small creatures on the bases of the various new Freeguild units. Those aren’t just random doodads on the base. Apparently, the Cities of Sigmar have gotten some strange new allies in the upcoming battletome. Those happen to be Gargoylians. And they may or maynot represent something much larger going on.

via Warhammer Community

“Gargoylians are chimeric critters of indeterminate origin, and theories abound as to their true nature. Some believe that they are drawn to the scent of faith and devotion – hence why they appear so often amidst congregations of pious Sigmarites. Others think they are miniature manifestations of the realms’ anger – and there’s a lot to be angry about – while others say they are related to the incarnates.”

Gargoylians of the Cities of Sigmar

According to GW there is some truth in all three of those theories. It likely has something to do with Alarielle casting the Rite of Life which triggered “life” to start sprouting up around all the various Mortal Realms in peculiar ways. These creatures are likely just one more manifestation of the impacts of that spell.

“Thanks to their plucky demeanour in the face of certain doom – not to mention their fierce hatred of Chaos, which sees them take any opportunity to tilt at daemons – the weirdness of the Gargoylians is tolerated by the downtrodden citizens. “

I can see why they would make for good allies for the Cities of Sigmar even if they are treated mostly as mascots for the various regiments. Heck, seeing one of these little guys stand-up to the forces of Chaos would be inspiring even if it was foolhardy. And who doesn’t love a good underdog story, right?


Some of these creatures are even large enough to get their own base. So they might not all be just for inspiration. The Gargoylians really remind me of the forest sprites from Sylvaneth, but with a Cities of Sigmar twist. Or the little nurglings from the Maggotkin army.

While they might not have an in-game impact it’s still kind of neat to see them on these bases. They might just be there for a bit of artistic flair but that’s okay with me! It does make me wonder if maybe GW should gather up all the random “sprites” and release them as a separate pack or something. They seem to have a knack for really small minis



Hmm…I wonder of these Gargoylains would work at a more epic scale…

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Range Reveal