Doze Off With These Bedtime Anime Accessories
Are you feeling sleepy? Well then it may be time to get ready for bed with this anime themed bedtime accessories.
For some of us it’s time for bed–or in my case, way past time for bed, and you want to get cozy and comfortable with some of your favorite animes. If your nightly routine could include a little more anime, or even just a little more fun, check out some of these bedtime accessories. And no, we won’t be including any body pillows. You’ll have to shop for those on your own time.
1. Sailor Moon’s Bedding
If you’re looking for a blanket, or even a full bed set, there are options out there. What’s your favorite anime? Or your favorite character? Somebody has probably made it. But I like it when merch is a little more subtle or a little more inside anime baseball. In this case, this may not look like a Sailor Moon blanket at first glance. But fans will recognize the bunnies and moons bedspread that Usagi uses in the anime and manga.
2. Anime Pajama Shirt
Is there a full set of anime pajamas? Yes. Could you get matching tops and bottoms with your favorite character on them? Also yes. But let’s be honest, how many of us are wearing pajama sets on a regular basis as opposed to whatever shit we have and whatever sweatpants or shorts are most comfortable?
Most days as long as I’m not in jeans by the time I fall into bed, I’m doing good. And matching parts is right out, who’s got time for that? Which is why I love this shirt. It’s fun, cute, and will work with whatever pants or shorts I’m feeling that day. And it feels a little self-aware- like I think that generic anime girl knows that matching isn’t for us.
3. Pikachu Eye Mask
I’m not an eye mask sort of lady, but I know people who swear by them. Especially if you suffer from migraines, are a light sleeper, or otherwise just need to keep the light out. When I initially looked for anime eye masks I assumed I’d find a few cute options with big anime eyes on them- that’s sort of the joke after all. And of course, I did find those. But I also saw this adorable Pikachu mask and was immediately smitten. Lightweight, soft, cute, and comes in Snorlax as well. Very fitting.
4. Naruto Nightlight
There are a million reasons to want an extra light in your room from ‘the raccoon outside knocked over the compost bin and the loud noise freaked me out’ to ‘I know I’ll be getting up in the middle of the night for something and don’t want to trip on anything.’ And both of them are me. And just because it’s functional doesn’t mean it shouldn’t also be fun, like this Akatsuki-inspired cloud LED lamp from Naruto.
5. Haku Doll
Don’t listen to anybody, there’s no age limit for appreciating a nice snuggle from a good doll. And this dragon Haku from Spirited Away may be the goodest I’ve seen in a while. He’s also the perfect shape and size for a neck pillow, or a desk pillow for when you’re in need of a mid-day desk nap.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy the nice nice pillows.