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Pathfinder: Paizo Previews the Wizard Remastered

3 Minute Read
Sep 25 2023

With the Pathfinder Remaster Project in full swing, Paizo previewed a list of changes for the Wizard Remastered. See what’s new!

Both of the biggest D&D-inspired fantasy games are undergoing a big playtest for a massive rules update coming soon right now. WotC is tumbling the rough stones of 5E smooth into something that’s like 5E but also not like it at all. And Paizo is hard at work on their Pathfinder Remaster Project.

New rules are in the air. Changes are coming. And today we’re looking at what Pathfinder 2E Remastered has in store for the Wizard. What does the Wizard Remastered look like? Well, a big part has to do with getting rid of the term Spell Level. Now it’s Spell Rank, so that you don’t have to explain spell level and class level in at least one system now.

Also, weirdly enough, spell components are gone! But this is a big part of moving Pathfinder 2E away from the OGL. Let’s take a look at exactly what’s new. Grab your robe and pointy hat, it’s time to look at the Wizard Remastered.

Pathfinder Remastered – The Wizard

In their Blog, Paizo goes into more depth about what they’re hoping to change. One of the big things is that Wizards are already “providing a satisfying play experience.” Which makes sense, everyone loves Wizards. And Pathfinder 2E treats them pretty well, especially with its overhauled feat and spell system.

But, as Pathfinder 2E moves away from the OGL, a lot of that familiarity is being shaken up. Stuff you might take for granted. For instance, the eight schools of magic from D&D, are being removed. No more Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation. This is huge for Pathfinder because these schools are a fundamental part of how some of the features that key into various tags function.

But this lets Pathfinder find a new room to play with the wizard:


One of the most commonly requested expansions for any class is additional major paths to build your characters along, but because the wizard schools already had all eight schools of magic that could ever exist in the setting (plus universalist), we could never increase the number of wizard schools or explore more interesting options beyond those preset themes.

Now Arcane Schools are literal schools. So you have things like the School of Battle Magic, or Civic Wizardry, as well as Mentalism. These are much more well-defined themes. You can figure out what a Civic Wizard might use. A lot of Wall of Stone, for instance.

It also means you can add more Schools in the future.

You can check out the full preview, including a new “Secondary Detonation Array” over at Paizo’s Blog.


What do you think of how the Remastered Wizard is looking?

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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