Warhammer: Adorable Plushies Invade From TOMY
International toy company TOMY has announced more Warhammer themed plushies are coming next spring!
Games Workshop has dabbled with plushies before and now TOMY is partnering with them for a new line-up. I’m sure these are going to be every kids favorite teddy-bear replacement and won’t induce nightmares at all. Nurglings for all!
“Just announced ahead of the New York Toy Fair, there’s something for everyone here, including a Gnasha-squig, a Spanna Grot, a Nurgling (a.k.a. the Little Unclean One), and a Sacrosanct Gryph-hound.”
Plushie Nurgling
This is the new TOMY Nugling, not to be confused with the previous incarnation. Although the design is close, it’s not the same:
The previous Nurgling Plushie
But hey, at least we still have exposed intestines and some random sores on the Nurgling’s body!
Plushie Gnasha-squig
I think the Gnasha-squig is a step up in the cuteness scale from the Nurgling, imo. At least it’s traded in the exposed insides for a plushie tongue and teeth. Honestly, this one isn’t too far off from some other plushies I’ve seen in the wild and yet it’s easily identifiable as a squig.
Plushie Spanna Grot
Okay, this one is probably my favorite of the bunch. The Spanna Grot is just a friendly little mechanic here to help you out. Good for upgrading your Kill Rig or supplying some emotional support snuggles. This one seems pretty kid friendly and makes Grots seem less scary which is good! It ain’t easy being green…
Plushie Sacrosanct Gryph-hound
And finally, we have the plushie that’s at the top of the cute-scale with a Sacrosanct Gryph-hound. This one could give some of those lil’ponies a run for their money. the Gryph-hound is the best boy and looks pretty darn cute. Plus, I hear that they make excellent defenders for your characters on the tabletop.
All four of these new plushies are coming in Spring of 2024. Keep an eye out for the cuteness overload!
I know I think “adorable plushie fodder” when I think of Warhammer!