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Horus Heresy: Legion Imperialis Land Raider Proteus Comes In ‘Six-Packs’

2 Minute Read
Oct 26 2023

Grab a cold one because Games Workshop has some good news for Legions Imperialis. The Land Raider Proteus will come in packs of six.

You’re going to need some transports to move your Legions Imperialis Space Marines across the tabletop. Thankfully, GW is letting the armor loose with the Land Raider Proteus. And good news for these pint-sized Land Raiders: The come in Six-Packs!

via Warhammer Community

“Each box contains six miniature Land Raiders in the Explorator configuration, which means they have a chunky dozer blade at the front to crash through uneven terrain. Though conceived as an exploration vehicle and lacking the front assault ramp of their Spartan and Proteus Carrier compeers, the Explorator is nonetheless a powerful tank with armour-busting lascannon sponsons and can deploy ahead of the main lines thanks to its advanced augury scanners.”

Land Raider Proteus Six-Pack

If you’re keeping track at home, that’s yet another transport option to roll across the tabletop with. The Proteus is joining the Spartan and Rhino options. Just as a size comparison, here’s the Land Raider Proteus next to the Spartan Assault Tank:

It’s a little stubbier and doesn’t have quite the weapon array as the Spartan but it still packs a punch. It’s also got the armor to tank a hit from a Titan’s weapons, too! You’ll have to get a little lucky but it being in one of these Land Raiders is safer than a building for your troops. So if you’re looking for a way to get them across the board the Proteus is a great option.


With all the various Infantry options it’s good that the Proteus will come in a pack of six tanks. If you end up with an uneven number of Infantry to tanks, you can always round that out with Spartans or Rhinos as well. This is all great news for (eventual) Legions Imperialis players!

Between all these tanks and Drop Pods the Space Marine Legions are going to be a mighty fighting force in Legions Imperialis. Seems appropriate. Now if we could just get our hands on all these miniatures and play some games…


Tanks vs Drop Pods — which option are you going to take to the Tabletop in Legions Imperialis?


Author: Adam Harrison
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