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Warhammer: Games Workshop Drops Two Teasers

3 Minute Read
May 13 2024
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With TWO Warhammer Previews this week Games Workshop also dropped two new teasers today. What could these two miniatures be?

It’s apparent we are on the cusp of not just a new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar but also of some big teasers for Warhammer 40,000. This week at the Dallas Open you can bet there will be tons of reveals and teasers for lots of the GW game systems. And speaking of Teasers, GW dropped two more miniatures to chew on.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Mystery Teaser

What in the world is this one? It certainly looks a lot like  Gryph-Hound from the Stormcast Eternals. And considering that the Stormcast Eternals are heavily featured for the new edition, I think that’s a pretty safe bet.

There are some slight differences between this teaser and the Gryph-Hound pack, however. The tail and the helm it’s wearing for example. This teaser miniature also looks a bit more on the “shaggy” side — either that or the Gryph-Hounds just have access to a pet groomer before battle. They have their plumage plucked and their fur neatly trimmed. Regardless, I’m looking forward to finding out more about this one.

Warhammer 40,000 Mystery Teaser

So, what are we looking at here? Well, it honestly looks terrifying because it reminds me of a tick. And this thing looks like it’s floating. That’s just the type of nightmare fuel I don’t need — a giant, floating tick. WarCom called this a “beach ball,” and …yeah, I get that. But seriously, what the heck is this thing?

After my initial gross-out reaction I started thinking: could this be an Enslaver? If you’re not aware of what those are, here’s a bit from Lexicanum:

The Enslavers, also known as Psyrens, Krell, dominators or puppeteers are entities that are native to theĀ Warp.

Their in-game origins can be traced back to the War In Heaven. These creatures helped to lead to the downfall of the Old Ones. And, without getting into all the details, they are warp entities that are extremely dangerous.

In the real world, these creatures were first introduced into the game during the Rogue Trader era and actually had rules. They next had some rules in a Chapter Approved but, since that time, have remained as a distant background creature/race. I’m not sure what to think here but the artwork certainly does look close to what we’re seeing. I’ll leave this one up to you to decide!

Once again, here’s a friendly reminder of the schedule. Tune into BOTH previews later this week to learn more. We’ll be right there with you all watching the livestreams, too!


Next 40k race confirmed? Here come the Enslavers?!?!

Author: Adam Harrison
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