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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Black Panther Chosen of Bast

3 Minute Read
May 28 2024

T’Challa is back with a new Black Panther version that dips into the Mystic side of the Wakandan hero. Meet Black Panther, Chosen of Bast!

Atomic Mass Games is back and has spilled the beans on the newest version of Black Panther. As the Chosen of Bast he’s got a new twist with a very different skill set. This version of T’Challa should really mix really well with the current Wakanda Affiliation also. Let’s see what he’s bringing to the tabletop!

via Atomic Mass Games

Kicking things off we get a look at his stats. With a basic 3/3/3 defense, 5 stamina (on both sides) and a threat level of 3 this version is …kind of middle of the road. At least at first glance. Personally, I was not expecting Black Panther to be a TL 3 in the first place. But that’s also the beauty of this character — he’s got some surprises for his foes. For starters, both of his attacks are Mystic-based. That’s once curveball many folks aren’t going to be ready for. This allows him to fit in nicely with M’Baku’s physical attacks and Shrui’s energy blasts. This makes for a really well rounded force to build from.

Speaking of building his first basic attack is his builder. Panther Strike is only range 2 but it’s 5 dice and can also cause a bleed on a wild. His second attack is a spender with Spirit Predator. While it’s kind of pricy at 4 energy, if you manage to get a hit and a wild you get to make another attack with Panther Strike — and that second attack now has rerolls. This could help refund some of the cost of the 7 die attack price.

Black Panther, Chosen of Bast also has 3 passives that we can touch on really quick. Stealth makes it so enemies have to within range 3 to even attack him. Wallcrawler helps with his medium move to get around the board. And finally, Superior Agility prevents your opponents from modifying attack dice when targeting Black Panther. This should make those defense rolls stretch a lot farther than they first let on.

Black Panther, Chosen of Bast also comes with Pounce which is a fun little ability. It “throws” this character a short distance. However, collusions with other characters or terrain don’t cause him damage. But this is still a great way to close the gap for Black Panther and it’s also a essentially a bonus attack. He also has Insight of the Ancients for 1 energy. This is an interesting option for when he’s interacting with an objective as it allows him to reroll any results — including skulls. This actually makes Black Panther great at playing the objective game.


Black Panther, Chosen of Bast is really an interesting option as a non-leader version of Black Panther. This makes him a great fit if you want to run M’Baku in a Wakanda list. However, he’s also going to be affiliated with the Avengers, Defenders, and the Midnight Sons. So keep your options open for this different version of T’Challa.  He’s a Mystic-swinging Black Panther and is quite an interesting character for only 3 threat level.


Black Panther, Chosen of Bast will be available in a combo character pack with Namor. It’s currently up for Pre-order right now. The official release date is July 12, 2024.



Wakanda Forever!

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Marvel: Crisis Protocol - X-Men '97 Blue And Gold Teams