Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Balance Dataslate Out Now – ‘Buffs, Nerfs, & Little Nudges’

Games Workshop has a new Balance Dataslate for Kill Team. They’ve been looking to rebalance things with tweaks across the spectrum.
Fans of Kill Team rejoice because you’re in store for a new Balance Dataslate. This one tweaks the game for many Kill Teams as a wide array of ” buffs, nerfs, and little nudges” have been implemented in this version.
“The clandestine theatre of Kill Team is an ever-changing landscape, as maligned operatives rise ascendent and dominant champions recede into the pack with each quarterly tweak of the rules. Today is one such day, as a new Balance Dataslate has arrived to rejig the playing field with a score of buffs, nerfs, and little nudges.”
Kill Team Balance Dataslate Updates
On a very high level Games Workshop is trying to bring the top end down a bit with a light touch while boosting some of the weaker teams up. The goal here is to squish the ends so that the game plays a bit more balanced across the board.
For example, one team that got nerfed a touch was the Fellgor Ravagers. Their Reckless Determination Strategic Ploy no longer works while they are in cover. That proved to be a bit too much in terms of defensive options.
On the flip side, Space Marine Scout Squads have gotten a “relatively major boost” with an extra operative. Additionally, their Hunter and Warrior operatives also got some tweaks to make them more effective in close combat.
More Changes Ahead
There’s tons more other changes in the Balance Dataslate that you can read for yourself. If you’re just looking for the new stuff keep an eye out for (*) asterisks. In the above screen shot you can see the Drone Controller Pathfinder has a bullet point while MB3 Recon Drone has an (*) asterisk.
Honestly, it’s kind of hard to read at first glance as both are bullet points. I’m not really sure why they didn’t do the standard thing GW does which is to use a different color text option. Oh well. This might not be a problem for younger players with great eyesight but players of a certain vintage might need a little help on this one.
You can Download the Balance Dataslate Here. Be sure to check for changes with your Kill Teams in particular!
Time to send in the Kill Teams!