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5E Compatible RPG Round Up: ‘Casting Circles,’ ‘The Doom of Blackwinter’ & More

4 Minute Read
Jul 5 2024

This week’s 5E compatible tabletop RPGs include casting circles for witches, your guide to naval combat, and more.

It’s time to roll the dice on new releases! Come check out this week’s batch of brand-new tabletop role-playing games.

Roku’s Masterworks

“Welcome, traveler. This humble one is designated Nana. Nana has been commanded by the esteemed master to guide and instruct you in the esoteric art, history and usage of Goujin armaments. Kindly peruse the following document meticulously, for your edification is at stake. The profound master’s wisdom dictates that we commence with an examination of resource allocations for armament production, followed by an exhaustive analysis of their final form.

Nana trusts you shall endeavour to be assiduous in your learning efforts, as striving to be diligent in scholarly pursuits is virtuous. Oh? A query already? Commendable… The canine’s denomination is: Coco. It has taken residence with designation Nana until the great master’s return and it frequently seeks belly rugs and palatable treats. Pray keep this in mind. Shall we begin? Your knowledge shall be assessed at the end of this course via a 70 page long dissertation. Nana eagerly anticipates the opportunity to examine it.”

Fully tested and bookmarked, this book, presented by the Karakuri Nana and her companion Coco, includes:

  • More than 50 new weapons and armor to use with the Oath of the Dragon Samurai adventures, or your own campaigns!
  • New resources for crafting and enchanting equipment!
  • A list of Goujin mastersmiths and weapons!
  • Rules for creating your own armaments of legend!
  • History and lore of various Goujin tools of war!
  • A culture bank to help immerse both players and GMs!

Casting Circles: Rituals for the Whole Party

Form a Circle and Ready the Bell, Book, and Candle.

Casting circles represent a form of ritual magic that has heavy demands on multiple participants, allowing a GM to add new options to a campaign that come with built-in adventures and participation for all the PCs. A GM can use this to solve unexpected problems that crop up, as a plot point in its own right, or just to give players options on new ways to do things that comes with built-in encounters and adventures.

In short, casting circle rules lets players do things they otherwise couldn’t, but only as permitted by the GM, and only by having at least one side-adventure in doing so.

It Can Be Done. But There Are Risks.


Limithron’s Guide to Naval Combat

This Product Includes:

  • 5e Ruleset
  • Ship Cards (with and without “cannon” attacks)
  • Ship stats (configured as NPCs)
  • Appendix with ships with stats from CR1/8 to CR9
  • Upgrade Cards and Handouts
  • Art Handouts
  • 3 Blank Water Maps configured with Hex grids
  • 100 Naval Scale Ship, Boat, and Fort Tokens

I’ve always struggled with other naval supplements. Either they are way too complicated, wildly unrealistic, or they don’t provide a great bridge between ship scale combat and normal player character actions. Through years of games like Sid Meier’s Pirates, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Oak & Iron, and Pirates Constructible Strategy Game, I think I’ve cracked the code to make ship combat work at the D&D table. In fact, I highly recommend picking up the last two: both have ship models at the perfect scale for use with this supplement.

The Doom of Blackwinter

The villagers of Ethan’s Vale seek out a group of heroes to find the whereabouts of the strange Drengr raiders that have been causing harm to the area. As the heroes track the Drengr higher and higher into the mountains. They realize that the premature winter that has struck the land may be connected to the Drengrs’ actions. The heroes must stop the Blackwinter Court from awakening Winter’s Heart, an immense frost elemental, and prevent the ancient magics of a renegade unseelie fey from consuming the land. With bravery and cunning, the heroes must brave the icy dangers of the Fey lands and save the land from the doom of Blackwinter.

This adventure is designed for new heroes, around 2nd or 3rd level, exploring the world of Teranern and the realms beyond. It contains 21 encounters over 3 acts, and a 17 page gazeteer to the town of Ethan’s Vale. The download also contains separate files for all of the location maps in the adventure.

Prestige: Arcane Warrior

What makes BiscuitTinRPG Prestige Classes truly different than the others? We dont make you sacrifice class levels to take them, and while you may not get the ASI boosts or a ton of feats, you do get to have a truly unique character that sets you apart.


Bring the fusion of martial prowess and arcane mastery with the Arcane Warrior prestige class. Perfect for those who seek to dominate the battlefield with both steel and spell. The Arcane Warrior seamlessly blends combat techniques with magical abilities. Whether a descendant of ancient warrior-mages or a self-taught prodigy, this prestige class offers unique abilities that enhance your versatility and potency. Harness the power of the Arcane Warrior and become a feared and revered force, turning the tide of battle with your dual prowess.

Just so you know BoLS may collect a share of sales from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. 

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