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Atomic Mass Games: Ministravaganza 2024 – Star Wars: Shatterpoint Road Map Reveals

3 Minute Read
Jul 18 2024

Atomic Mass Games is back with Ministravaganza 2024! And we’ve got a look at the Star Wars: Shatterpoint road map and reveals.

First up, here’s the updated Road Map for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Just note that this is a “Non Exhaustive” Road Map from AMG. Yes, that means there just might be some surprises on the way…

Atomic Mass Games showed off a lot of these packs earlier at AdeptiCon. Today, we got a closer and different look at many of these characters below. Technically, these are new reveals as it’s the first time we’re seeing the cards for the various characters. But if you want to see the miniatures check out that previous post. That said, let’s see the new stuff for Star Wars: Shatterpoint!

Star Wars: Shatterpoint Reveals

Cross Hair/CT-9904, Elite Squad Leader

ES-04, Firebrand

Paz Vizsla


Covert Mandalorians

We Don’t Need Their Scum – Boba Fett and Dengar


Maximum Firepower – General Veers and Snowtrooper Lieutenant

What Have We Here – Lando and Lobat

Requesting Your Surrender – Squad Pack

Wisdom of the Council – Squad Pack


All The Way – Squad Pack

Deploy The Garrison – Squad Pack

This Is Rogue One – Squad Pack


Delta Squad, Form Up – Squad Pack

Terror From Below – Squad Pack

That’s all for the reveals from the team at Atomic Mass Games. This is just one short preview today as there’s loads more on the docket. From painting streams for the new models, to design talks, to future plans Ministravaganza 2024 is rocking and rolling. Out of all these reveals I’m excited to know that we are getting ever closer to full squads of Lightsabers and Stormtroopers. In particular, I’m kind of leaning toward a full Death Trooper Squad. Mostly because it’s going to be easy to paint.

I’m also going to be pushing for our very own Ben Williams to paint up that Lando miniature. I’m positive he can tackle that excellent looking pattern on his cloak.



Stay tuned for more coverage from Ministravangza 2024!

Author: Adam Harrison
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