Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Hivestorm Pricing Breakdown

The new edition of Kill Team Hivestorm is coming to pre-order this weekend. Is this one going to be worth the price of admission?
It’s time to bust out the back of a napkin and do some math because Kill Team Hivestorm is coming. We know the price and what’s inside. So is this one a fair price point? The numbers don’t lie so let’s see what they have to say!
Kill Team: Hivestorm – $230
- Vespid Stingwings Kill Team + Tokens Set
- Tempestus Aquilons Kill Team + Token Set
- 112-page softback Core Book + Core Token Sheet
- 36 Approved Operations Cards
- Killzone: Volkus terrain
- Kill Team Equipment Pack
- Board, 10x Dice, 72-page Hivestorm Dossier
Hivestorm Pricing Breakdown
So before we dive into the numbers here I wanted to mention that we don’t have 1:1 prices for all of the items. The Kill Teams aren’t available solo yet. But we do have a ballpark price for them based off the other Kill Teams. We’re going with a low-end estimate of $70 per Kill Team in this case. The Core Book is also softback instead of hard back. But we’re going to let that one slide.
As far as the terrain set included we’re just going to use the other terrain sets from Kill Team as a baseline price. Then there’s the “extras” like the dice and 72-page Hivestorm Dossier. Those don’t have a price but they do have value. Anyhow, where we could find a price we used those for this little math experiment. So let’s see what we have.
The Breakdown
Vespid Stingwings Kill Team + Tokens Set = $70
Tempestus Aquilons Kill Team + Token Set = $70
112-page softback Core Book + Core Token Sheet = $60
36 Approved Operations Cards = $35
Killzone: Volkus terrain + board = $125 (based on Beta-Decima Terrain Kit Pricing)
Kill Team Equipment Pack = $45
10x Dice, 72-page Hivestorm Dossier = ???
Total Estimated Individual MSRP: $405 + ???
Total Estimated Savings: $175 + ???
So is this one a good deal? That really depends on your personal preference. If you have zero interest in getting either Kill Team and you don’t want/need the terrain then I’d say this boxed set isn’t for you. While the new Core Book and mission cards are needed to play you can save yourself a lot of money just buying them individually — assuming you have a Kill Team or two, dice, a board, and terrain already.
However, if you’re just now getting into Kill Team and want to play as both/either of these Kill Teams this is a really good starting point. Everything you need to play is in the box. Well, except maybe a tape measure and a friend to play against. I know this Kill Team box isn’t going to be for everyone but, just based on the dollar amounts, it’s a good deal. You’re going to be saving at least $175 if you get this box vs individual retail pricing. If you’re counting the “extras” it might be closer to $200.
For me personally, I’m likely going to pass on this one. I don’t have a lot of interest playing either Kill Team so I’m probably just going to snag the Core Book and mission cards. With all the free Kill Team rules coming day one and stuff I already own (Kill Team miniatures and terrain sets) I’ll be able to play as soon as I snag the new edition book.