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Warhammer 40K: 10th Edition’s Top 5 Anvil Units

4 Minute Read
Oct 3 2024

Goatboy here with Warhammer 40K’s the top 5 Anvil units in 10th Edition right now.

Goatboy here with another top 5.  Today I want to go into the best 5 Anvil units we currently have in the game.  40K 10th has shifted into a pretty heavy board control style strategy where you have big chunky units that can dominate the tabletop.  They take up some space, are a pain to remove, and cause your enemy to flail away at them in hopes of scoring some points.  Let’s get out the unit list, pull up some popcorn, and wax poetic about chunky units dominating the meta.

An anvil unit is normally a unit that is tough as heck to cut through, takes up a good deal of space, and builds up the foundation of an army.  These units are going to move up and dare you to deal with them.  This seems to be one of the other spokes of current army-building formats and something we all have to think about when going to a competitive event.  Can we deal with the units well enough or ignore them and still score those pesky points we need to win the game. Make sure you have a gameplan to deal with these:

5. Crusader Squad w/Relic Support and Character Support – Black Templars Space Marines

If you have played any team events lately you have either had a Black Templar army on your roster of played against one.  The Crusader Squad is a giant unit of marines who are supported by different characters that throw out things like Lethal Hits, Feel No Pain, and just a ton of board-controlling potential.  It is a pretty simple unit that just has a ton of wounds and options to gain protection in some form or way.

4. Magnus – Thousand Sons

This is another crazy little anvil unit for the Thousand Sons as he can blank damage, reroll saves, and is just extremely tough.  It takes a whole army shooting at this guy on top of having a little bit of luck.  Magnus the Red is going to go where he wants to with a double move, and kill whatever he shoots at. Then, if he charges you, he can wreck face in close combat too.  This guy just controls a flank and if you are mistaken in exposing yourself too much to kill him, the counter punch coming will just wreck you.

3. Great Unclean one with the Endless Gift – Chaos Daemons

You know what is a pain in the butt – a 4+ Feel No Pain.  Especially since this guy can now carry his shadow around and activate it.  This single Death Guard model is going to move to the middle, take up an objective, and stink the place up.  While the GUO isn’t nearly as “damaging” as other options in this list, he can take forever to chew through with a pile of wounds, a 4+ invulnerable save, and then a 4+ Feel No Pain.


2. Bullgryns – Astra Militarum

Look these guys are a pain in the butt.  They are cheap, have stacks of toughness powers, and then can hit pretty hard. If you gave any army an option for a 3-Wound, damage reducing, 4+ invulnerable save, and TYoughness 6 unit it would be an auto-include in the army.  The fact Astra Militarum can take 3 units of Bullgryn, and still have a ton of tough-as-nails tanks to help throw damage out at people is just nuts.  I hope they get tweaked big time when the new book comes out next year.

1. Deathwing Knights – Dark Angel flavored Space Marines

I know we have two Marine options in there, but the current bad boys – the Deathwing Knights are starting to show up a ton more.  While they are normally in a flavor of the Gladius detachment – this unit and list just wrecks the table in piles of models that can support themselves, are hard to get rid of, and just wreck your face with their anvil like faces.  They hit hard, take a punch like no other, and can easily set you up to get counter charged with other Dark Angel goodness.

Happy gaming, and be prepared for these anvil units. You’ll be seeing them!


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