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Warhammer: Underworlds – The Best Changes Coming In The New Edition

3 Minute Read
Oct 9 2024

Games Workshop has a list of changes coming to Warhammer Underworlds in the new edition and we’re distilling them down to our favorites.

In case you missed the news, Games Workshop has a new edition of Warhammer Underworlds coming soon. They covered it during their Warhammer Day preview and even had a nice short video recapping things.

To follow that up, Warhammer Community has a list of the 10 changes that Nick from their team thought was really important to cover. It’s a good read and you probably should check that out, too. That said, here’s a few from that list I personally am really glad to see updated.

Change To Crits

Crits were a bit too good in Warhammer Underworlds. And yes, it’s a dice game, but when the best skill in the game is literally being able to roll crits, there might be an issue. And if you think rolling crits is an actual display of skill …that’s a whole other discussion. Anyhow, they are being toned down a bit in the new edition.

 “In Embergard, crits are still great – they might activate weapon rules, allow you to Overrun in attack or Stand Fast in defence. But they will now just count as any other success; they won’t override every other success you roll… “

This is a GOOD change. I’m all for crits activating other effects or abilities. It was kind of boring to have them just dominate the game mechanics.

The Focus Ability


YES. Finally there’s a (better) way to cycle your cards from your hand. This should help with those instances where your deck betrays you with a terrible draw. Sometimes you just get dealt a terrible draw. At least now you can spend a turn to ditch that junk and get some useful cards! Hopefully, this should allow players to experiment with their decks more, too. I think this is a great mechanic that’s been added and is quite the game changer.

Bounty System

Keen-eyed players might have noticed the orange icon on the new card design. That’s the new bounty system in action. This is the amount of glory you’ll earn for taking out a fighter in a game. You’ll also notice that Warbands give away about the same amount of Glory each, too. So now, if you have a particularly killy warband, you’ll get rewarded for playing into that. Go forth and slay out my friends.

Additionally, there’s more changes to the Glory system and how Upgrades work. I won’t go over all that here but those are also promising changes.

New ‘One Size Fits All’ Board


Embergard is introducing a new single-sized board. It’s double-sided but more importantly, they are doing away with “long boards” as an option. I know some warbands out there really benefited from this slower paced game but the rest of us thought that this was actually a very lame tactic to do. Well, it’s gone now. So no more having to dread the long board.

There’s plenty more changes covered by GW. From updated Warscrolls, to available warbands, to how they redefined the warbands and decks. So be sure to pop over to WarCom and read that full list if you’re a fan of Warhammer Underworlds. And if you’re not or you’re a lapsed player the new edition will be a great way to jump back into the game.

Keep an eye out for the new edition of Warhammer: Underworlds – Embergard coming soon!

Author: Adam Harrison
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