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Warhammer 40K: What’s the Best Way for GW to Update Your Army?

4 Minute Read
Oct 14 2024

Goatboy here with a big question for us Warhammer 40K Gamers – exactly what is the best way for GW to release an army update?

The question I have today is how do you like a new army release?  Do you like them to do the weird little fancy book in a box of new goodies?  Do you like the release to show up as a Codex and a few simple boxes?  Do you like your Combat Patrol to show up right away?  Or do you just like Digital bits and pieces until a true release is updated and confirmed?  How do you like to get your new armies update?

Army Updates – Fancy Box Set, or Normal Launch Products?

Right now GW seems to really have two ways to release a new army – either giving you a fancy new Splash Release Box with some cool new minis and a nifty codex included, like we saw with the Blood Angels.  Or they just do it the old school way with 1-2 weeks of new models alongside the codex, with some kind of hope to see a special combo box in the future. We saw this with Orks and Custodes.  Alternatively, do you want an update to be all digital and hope your app is properly updated all at once?

Splash Release Box – Pros & Cons

The new minis with the Splash Release Box is always an interesting one as while normally I use it to justify a “new” army it can be very frustrating from a player stand point.  We get some nice shiny rules, a bunch of new minis, but then we can’t play with this rules in most events for a couple months.  We have to wait to get updated points, any initial nerfs, and hope our plans stay valid as we slap paint on the new models.  It can be a frustrating wait.

The 40K app isn’t updated right away either. You worry the code in the book could have an issue as the rules are not updated.  If the army gets nerfed and rules changed heavily you are left with some cards that are not worth it.  It can be a frustrating experience as lately there seems to be 2-3 months of wait time while just trying get some test games in and hope you can actually take all the things you want.

But it is neat as hell to get the Codex, get some other fun stuff, and a bunch of new models.  I like the new models aspect as it does give you a nice starting point to get into a new army.  You buy the box, hopefully get a good Combat Patrol, and soon you are on your way to playing 40K.   These are the things I like about it.  The idea that it is a limited box – just like the Xmas boxes – and it lets you get enough to start something and then continue onto new stuff as you finish building, painting, and getting your army ready.

I just don’t like having to wait so long for points as it is hard to plan anything.


Normal Launch Unit Boxes – Pros & Cons

The other method of release – the one we know from previous releases – is a 1-3 week window of new boxes that hopefully lead into a decent Combat Patrol mixed with some decent releases.  You get enough info right away to truly plan your army out, figure out any way to get all the units cheaper, and plan anything else you want to get ready to wreck the tabletop.  It isn’t perfect and a lot of the time you lose some splash releases and a cool artistic looking codex cover – but at least you get all the pieces you want all up front.

I really think a lot of this stems from the slow release schedule we have had since the new edition updated.  We have been waiting a long time to get ahold of new rules and while a lot of stuff has stayed the same since the initial updated – later books have had some massive changes in armies rules and abilities.

Is it just us jonesing for a new hit of plastic crack?  Is it the hope the game gets even more balanced and we get cool new rules?  Are you just waiting for the new army to inspire you to get it on with some contrast paint?


What method of release do you like the most?  With an upcoming Emperor’s Children release coming at some point what do you hope shows up if we get a limited box, combat patrol, and slew of boxes to dig through?

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