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Horus Heresy: Dark Mechanicum – It’s Only A Matter Of Time

3 Minute Read
Oct 11 2024

With the Dark Mechanicum on the way to Legions Imperialis it’s only a matter of time before they make the jump to 30k scale.

By now I hope you’ve seen the Dark Mechanicum units coming to Legions Imperialis. And yeah, I’m excited to seem them in that Epic Scale. But I’m thinking the same thing as everyone else: So…when are they coming to The Horus Heresy at the heroic scale?

Dark Mechanicum In The Horus Heresy

Here’s deal, this is the first time ever we’re getting official rules for the Dark Mechanicum in any Warhammer setting. That’s great! I want them to get their time in the sun and I think Legions Imperialis is going to be better off for it. However, look at these minis!

Look at how intricate they are in terms of design. “There’s a lot of spindly things going on” is one of the first thoughts I had when I saw them. And you know that means they were designed digitally — like most GW miniatures are these days.

And you KNOW that if these are in a digital format that GW can also scale them up to their typical scale for 30k. In fact, I’d even go so far out on a limb as to propose they likely modeled them up in larger scale before shrinking them down to Epic scale.

I would not be shocked at all if GW is just sitting on the digital files for these units (and whatever else they have planned for the Dark Mechanicum). How else do you think they busted out that Mechanicum Battleforce in both The Horus Heresy AND Legions Imperialis basically back-to-back.


Speaking of which, when are we getting those new Mechanicum Automata in The Horus Heresy scale, hmm GW?!

Anyhow, I definitely think that the Dark Mechanicum is going to make an official appearance in The Horus Heresy now. It’s really just a matter of time. I may not have any official confirmation on that but I DO think that if you want to get a jump start on them, you might want to look into one of those Battleforce Boxes for the Mechanicum…if you can find one.



I’m gonna guess that the Dark Mechanicum for The Horus Heresy shows up in 2025…

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Horus Heresy: The Dark Mechanicum Are Getting More Units For Legions Imperialis