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Age of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz Bad Moon Phase Rules Revealed

3 Minute Read
Jan 27 2025

The Gloomspite Gitz have a new version of the Bad Moon coming in the new Battletome. Let’s see how it works in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.

The Gitz are back and the Bad Moon is riding high. It’s time to learn their new tricks and how the Bad Moon will be impacting your games of AoS on the tabletop!

via Warhammer Community

“In times past, the Bad Moon was as capricious as it was cruel, coming and going as it pleased and watching the Gloomspite Gitz scuttle around in panic and frenzy. That all changes in the upcoming Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz – you will be able to set your watch to its waxing and waning.”

Gloomspite Gitz New Bad Moon Rules

This new mechanic follows the phases of the Bad Moon. At the start of the first battle round the Gloomspite Gitz player is going to choose which face the Bad Moon will start on. Then in the subsequent rounds the Bad Moon will continue through the cycle in order. What each phase of the Bad Moon does changes, too.

It’s worth noting that depending on the unit type they will get their ability to trigger during two of the phases. This is important! That means the unit type’s powers aren’t just shut off immediately. That should help with the phase transition for cunning players out there.


Now, there are some ways to manipulate the Bad Moon. That’s all thanks to some abilities of the Heroes in your Gloomspite Gitz army.

Bad Portents replaces Sneaky Distraction, granting the caster a chance to tell the Bad Moon what face it should be pulling with a roll of a D6, ushering on the next mien in the cycle a roll of 3-5, and telling it exactly what countenance to contort to on a 6. Skragrott the Loonking has similarly altered the manner in which he entreats the Bad Moon, demanding its guise remain fixed rather than stalling its orbit.”

So if you’re dice are with you your Shamans can manipulate the phase of the Bad Moon. That’s another key part of this army. Or you could just call in a manifestation and bring all the phases!


Lurid Light causes all Gloomspite Gitz within 12″ to be affected by all four phases! Sometimes you just gotta flip ALL the lights on at once.

I think these changes are going to make the army a little bit more predictable. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing yet. We’ll have to wait to see the rest of the army to find out. Right now it seems that with just a bit more planning the Gloomspites Gitz will be a very dangerous foe on the tabletop…

The Bad Moon is rising with the Gloomspite Gitz!

Author: Adam Harrison
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