Age of Sigmar: Gitmob Point Values Really Put The ‘Mob’ In Gitmob

If you’ve ever wanted to run an army full of wolf cavalry the Gitmob is for you. Just get ready to paint a lot of fur.
The Gitmob is riding in this weekend to pre-order and that got me thinking about what it would take to build out that army. So, I do what I always do before I buy anything: I check the points first. This really helps me get a gauge for what I’m in for in terms of the number of miniatures and kits I’d have to get to make them function. This is where the Gitmob kind of shocked me.
The Gitmob Points Breakdown
First up, you can check all the points out from GW directly. But here’s a quick breakdown if you just wanted to build out a full Gitmob army.
- Droggz Da Sunchompa – 200
- Frazzlegit Shaman on War-Wheela – 170
- Snarlboss on War-Wheela – 180
- Snarlboss – 130
- Snarlfang Riders – 120
- Wolfgit Retinue – 70
- Sunsteala Wheela – 130
- Doom Diver Catapult – 180
- Snarlpack Cavalry – 100
Sure, that doesn’t seem that crazy. But your core units are really the Snarlfang Riders and the Snarlpack Cavalry. Again, if you were wanting to buildĀ just a Gitmob army (aka a Wolf Cav army) then you’ve really got to load-up on those kits. Oh, and the Sunsteala Wheelas, too. Gotta have some chariots, amirite?!
As an example, if you literally purchased one of everything the total points would be 1280. I haven’t try to build that out but I don’t think that’s a functional army — or rather, a good army to play. It might be a start… but that’s not the point. You’re really going to have to load-up on those units that are 100, 120, and 130 points to fill out the army. That’s a whole lot of wolves!
Gitmob? More Like Git (More) Models
I suppose that’s the idea though, right? If you want to run a Wolf Cav army with gobbos they aren’t exactly an “elite” army. Their is a reason they are the GitMOB after all. I really hope someone out there is crazy enough to do this army. It would be really neat to see that many wolves on the tabletop. I just don’t envy anyone trying to get all these kits for the army.
After chatting a bit with Ben, our resident Gitmob enthusiast, he’s already talking about needed another 3 boxes of the chariots (the Sunsteala Wheelas). He’ll also need basically a second box of everything else in the new Gitmob range to build the army he wants. The army sounds cool — I’m just glad I’m not the one that’s putting it together now. I was thinking about how many miniatures that was and, while it’s not as many as an full git infantry army, it’s still a LOT. Now I’m glad that I’m sticking with my Chaos army and that I run fewer units of “elite” models.
Are you going to take the plunge and rally the Gitmob? How many wolves do you want to have in your pack?