Games Workshop Rumor Engine: It’s A Drill

We’ve got a brand new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop and this one certainly looks like a drill. But what if it’s something else entirely?
Typically on Tuesday I enjoy trying to figure out what the latest Rumor Engine is because it’s fun. It’s a nice distraction and it’s a good time trying to synthesize what this could be. However, today I’m feeling called out for being boring because this on is obviously a drill. But GW’s Rumor Engine team doesn’t want us to “be boring” and call it what is it. But just maybe it’s not a drill…
“Oh, don’t be boring and just say it’s a drill, come up with something wild! It’s a new kind of daemon! A C’tan Shard of the Quantum Diggerlord! Three Squat Prospectors huddled very close together! “
Rumor Engine – It’s A Drill
So after looking at it, okay, sure “it’s not a drill.” I guess. Maybe it some weird claw thing. Perhaps a new type of dreadnought?
That’s the first thing my mind went to. Perhaps it’s a new Imperial Knight Claw weapon? It could be very large!
This “not” drill also reminds me of the Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill. Perhaps it’s something along those lines, too.
What I do find curious is the drill ridge pattern on the Rumor Engine. It does give me some weird Necron vibes for some reason. Oh well. At this point I think we all know what to do. I’m kicking this one back over to you — if you’ve got any theories about what this one could be drop us a line in the comments! Is this a drill or something else?!
If it looks like a drill, bores like a drill, and spins like a drill…it’s a duck?