Eldar Aspect Warrior Abilities – WOW!!!

The Eldar Aspect Temples are getting a complete overhaul. Wow, you’ve gonna love these!
Iuchiban has verified with cover pics that he has a copy of Codex Eldar Craftworlds in hand. This stuff is almost certainly correct:
via Iuchiban 4-18-2015
Exarch: 4++Howling banshees: +3″ when running or assaulting. Ignore I penalties when assaulting through difficult terrain. Fear. No Overwatch allowed when Banshees assault
Exarch: Units in CC with the Banshees have -2LStriking Scorpions: Stealth. Shrouded until the fire or assault.
Exarch: During a challenge compare I values. Exarch gets +1A for each point his I is better tan his oponent.
Fire Dragons: +1 on the vehicle damage chart.
Exarch: Once per turn, may reroll one to hit, to wound or to penetrare roll
Swooping Hawks: If the move over a flier, every modl gets one special attack that hits on 4+, S4, AP4, Haywire. They move 18″
Exarch: His unit does not scatter if DS
Warp Spiders: They may jump during the opponent’s shooting phase. If after the jum, the spiders are out of LoS or reach, firing unit cannot choose another target.
Exarch: His unit reroll all LD tests
Shining Spears: 4+ cover sabe
Exarch: Reroll to wound vs MC and rerolls to penétrate
Dark Reapers: Reroll to hit if target is: Flier, has turboboosted previous turn or moved flat out
Exarch: His weapon fires one more shot tan normally. For example: Heavy 2 becomes Heavy 3
Eldar Roundup