AoS: Seraphon Battletome Video & Pics

It’s a new start for the Lizard Warriors from the Stars! You think you know your Lizardmen? Guess again…
The Forces of Order just got a MAJOR ally in the return of the Slann and their Lizardmen Warriors. No longer are these the scaly warriors of Lustria you once knew, these are the Seraphon, an “anathema to the armies of Chaos.” These Lizardmen are literally flowing with celestial energy!
via Games Workshop
The stars of war align above the Mortal Realms!
Older than memory, existing for aeons unrecorded, the seraphon have ever waged an unending, savage war against Chaos. Descending to strike a vengeful blow against the Dark Gods as the Age of Sigmar dawns, they seek to bring order to the Mortal Realms. Summoned by the incredible power of the Slann Starmasters, they materialise from the energy of the stars themselves – nimble skinks, predatory saurus and hulking kroxigor, each intent on destroying the forces that have corrupted and darkened the realms almost beyond repair. Wrought of purest star-magic, the seraphon are true beings of Azyr.
Your guide to the daemonic lizard-warriors of the Seraphon. Comprehensive background, and rules for every model in the seraphon range, plus exclusive battleplans that pit them against their deadliest foes.
It’s a brand new start for the lizard warriors of the slaan. You think you know your saurus, skinks and giant dinosaur beasties… Well think again. Warriors without a world, they’re back with a whole new background and an entirely new mission – to scour Chaos from the Mortal Realms and bring about an age of peace. Find out all about it, plus all the rules you need to use your seraphon on the tabletop, along with new warscroll battalions and scenario battleplans.
The skies blaze with glittering constellations as the seraphon descend upon the Mortal Realms, summoned from the heavens by the mighty Slann Starmasters. Reptilian warriors and saurian war-beasts roar out a challenge to their foes, as ancient slann seers and skink priests weave spells of destruction. Creatures of order and light, the seraphon are anathema to the armies of Chaos, and wherever the minions of the Dark Gods gather their wrath is visited upon the Mortal Realms.
This book tells of the seraphon, a mysterious race hidden among the stars. Once they were mortal warriors, until their world was destroyed by Chaos. Now they are summoned to the battlefield by the magic of the slann, ancient seers of ineffable power.
For more pics of the Limited Edition you can check out some of the previews here.
While dinosaurs were never my thing I still find this new spin on the Seraphon interesting. They are “good daemon” Lizards infused with celestial power. They are also “summoned” by the Slann to combat Chaos which makes me view them like Chaos Demons. It seems like GW is trying to setup a mirror of the Chaos (mortals)/Chaos Demons relationship with the Stormcasts/Seraphon. I’ll miss the Aztec/Mayan/South American themes from the old world Lizardmen – but after reading a bit more about this new take I’m left wanting more. That’s not a bad thing…
It’s Order vs Chaos in the Age of Sigmar – Who’s side are YOU on?