Magic: The Gathering Commander
Magic: The Gathering Commander News, Reviews, Editorials & Unboxings. Everything from the latest news and info on hot decks, to MTG strategy, pricing, and what's going on in the community. All MTG Commander all the time.
Magic: the Gathering Deck building requires strategy as players must choose among thousands of cards which they want to play. This requires players to evaluate the power of their cards, and the possible synergy between them, and their possible interactions with the cards they expect to play against. This evaluation is a "metagame" that is constantly evolving over locales and time.
Most sanctioned games for Magic: The Gathering under the Wizards Play Network (WPN) use the based Constructed format that require players to build their decks from their own library of cards. In general, this requires a minimum of sixty cards in the deck, and, except for basic land cards, no more than four cards of the same named card. The pool of cards is also typically limited to the Standard rotation, which consists of only recently released cards.
Magic: The Gathering Commander is a one hundred card constructed format that makes many changes to typical deck building rules. In Commander, each of the one hundred cards must be uniquely named, excluding basic lands and cards that have text that supersede that rule. Additionally, Commander is also a historic format, denoting that any cards from any set release can be used, excluding any specific cards that have been banned from play. Commander as a format has a separate ban list than other Constructed formats.