Tabletop Wargame Army List News, Reviews & Editorials.
One facet of tabletop wargaming is the concept of the army list. This is a complete roster of the miniature tabletop army that one player is fielding in a game. The exact rules of how an armylist is composed varies wildly from game to game. Some systems use no restrictions at all, and players can field any miniatures they can physically bring to the game, while other use complex sets of limitations and mathematical formulas that restrict how players build an armylist.
Armylists are often organized along themes that fit into the backgrounds of the tabletop wargame they hail from. Thus a historical wargame set in a particular geographical and time period may use unit restrictions to produce forces that could have historically faced one another. A fantasy or science-fiction game may put in place restrictions that match their imaginary fictional backgrounds.
Armylist sizes are also variable. Some players like to play smaller, or larger games, and will bring armylist that are identical in size. alternatively, some historical wargamers field historically accurate mismatched armylists to recreate notable, if unbalanced real-world battles. Finally, many tabletop wargames are played competitively at formal tournaments. These events will usually impose strict guidelines and rules for the creation of "balanced" armylists that ensure a level playing field for players looking for a competitive tabletop wargaming experience.
Our army list archives cover many popular tabletop wargames, from Warhammer, to Star Wars, Warmachine, historicals, and many others.