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Warhammer 40,000 Eldar Game News, Reviews, Editorials & Unboxings.

The Aeldari are a faction from UK-Based Games Workshop's Tabletop Wargame Warhammer 40,000. The Aeldari or Eldar are an ancient race of elf-like humanoids. Once they dominated the Galaxy but are currently a dying race. After the Fall of the Eldar they lost their main homeworlds and are currently scattered among the stars and webway in different factions and allegiances. The Asuryani inhabit planetoid-sized vessels known as Craftworlds.

The Eldar are a spiritual people, and much of their culture is based around their mythological cycles. The most famous of these cycles was the War in Heaven, an epic conflict between the Eldar deities, in two factions lead by Vaul, the god of the forge, and Kaela Mensha Khaine, the god of war. With two notable exceptions, the Pantheon of the Eldar is considered to have been destroyed by the birth of Slaanesh, during the Fall of the Eldar.

The Eldar Armoury includes the standard Shuriken weaponry that uses gravitic forces to fire monomolecular-thin discs at the enemy. The Eldar use these weapons in the form of Shuriken pistols, Shuriken cannons, and a light carbine known as the Shuriken catapult. When the Eldar die, their souls are in danger of being devoured by the Chaos god Slaanesh. To prevent this, the Eldar wear Spirit Stones, which capture and contain their souls at the moment of death. These stones are then collected and inserted into the Craftworld's "Infinity Circuit", where they may rest along with the spirits of their ancestors.

The Eldar do not travel through the Warp in the same manner as other races, having long ago developed a much faster and safer method known as the "Webway". This is a system of ancient "tunnels" through the Warp which is completely isolated from its inherent dangers. It is effectively a vast and tangled network of doorways and gates between fixed points in the galaxy, with which the Eldar can travel far more rapidly than other races.

Eldar Articles
